Produce and sell Hill Billy Honey
We sell Nucleus Honey Bee Colonies
We expedite Queen for the Calgary and District Beekeepers Association. We help others too.
Supply Apipasta enriched bee feed
Swam Catching and Removal
Nucleus Colonies for Sale
We will have a nucs for sale
Spring of 2022

Queen Bees
We are also selling Honey Bees Queens this year. Over the past 5 years, we have been ordering Queens from various Queen breeders for the good folks at the Calgary and District Beekeepers Association ( CDBA ) and others that need queens. We do just in time ordering. I get deliveries during the week and beekeepers come by to pick them up the day they land in Calgary. Nice and fresh, direct from the breeder.

Apipasta Bee Feed
Bees love it!!
Perfect for feeding Nucs and emergency feeding of over wintered colonies.
Come in a vacuum packed 1 kg sealed bag – 15 to a box.

Custom Built Bee Keeping Supplies
Ready to find out more?
Contact Me: via email
Phone (403) 630-4848___________________________